Wonder Woman 1984 Review

The latest installment in the DCEU is here! Wonder Woman 1984 has been released to the world so of course, we gotta break it all down! WW84 finds Diana in 1980's Washington DC. Businessman Max Lord covets the Dreamstone which can grant wishes but will take something in return. Oh yeah, and Cheetah is in there somewhere as well. Does the sequel live up to the first Wonder Woman? Listen in to hear our thoughts!
Let us know your thoughts on Wonder Woman 1984! Shoot us a message on Instagram! @thearnies.

Topics Discussed

  • The first Wonder Woman has some issues but is considered one of the best in the DCEU. Does this one have the same problems?
  • What's the deal with the special effects? 
  • Kristen Wiig's Cheetah
  • Steve Trevor's return
  • The film's length and extended sequences that could have been cut
  • Is Pedro Pascal's Max Lord the best DCEU villain to date?
  • This film's use of the Cold War and 80's setting
  • What do we want from a Wonder Woman 3?
  • The future of the DCEU


Wonder Woman 1984 Review
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