The MCU Phase One: Captain America, The First Avenger

We are back to the MCU Phase One today with Captain America: The First Avenger. While receiving mostly positive reviews on release, this one, like Thor, doesn’t seem to be remembered quite as fondly by today’s standards. Did Chris Evans not come into the role until The Avengers, do we have another weak villain, is the balance between stand-alone and setup for the next film out of whack? Listen in as we break that all down!
Should they have told a more grounded WW2 story? Let us know on Instagram! @thearnies

Topics Discussed

  • Is there enough of a balance between origin story, period piece, and comic book movie?
  • The Hydra plot feels separate from the WW2 setting
  • Do things get too futuristic with the technologically advanced soldiers?
  • Howard Starkes involvement in the story
  • Peggy Carter and Steve Roger's relationship
  • Does this film add to the viewing experience of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier?
  • Can this film stand on its own or does it need the rest of the MCU?


The MCU Phase One: Captain America, The First Avenger
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