The Devil All the Time Movie Review

Spoilers Ahead!! This week we review the Netflix Original Movie: The Devil All the Time. This is a dark physiological thriller movie full of great individual performances. Do these stories collide to make a good movie? Listen as we share our thoughts!
Welcome to the '50s and '60s rural Ohio where everybody is deeply religious and nothing good ever happens. We hope you enjoy your stay in the towns of Knockemstiff and Coal Creek!

Topics Discussed:

Movie Facts 
  1. Casting
  2. Production
  3. Reception

Main Plot Points 
  1. WW2 and 1950
    • WW2 
    • Helen and Roy
    • Carl and Sandy
  2. 1957
    • Willard and Arvin’s relationship
    • Charlotte's death
  3. 1965
    • Lenora and Arvin
    • Lenora and Preston
    • Arvin’s murders 
      • Preston
      • Carl/Sandy
      • Lee

The Devil All the Time Movie Review
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