Star Wars Part 9: The Last Jedi

Our Star Wars series is back with the most divisive and controversial film in the franchise! Just in time for spooky season, listen as we discuss what many may consider the scariest of the Star Wars films. It's time for Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.
Topic Discussed:

  • Movie Facts
    • Cast and Production
    • Critical Reviews
    • Backlash from Fans

  • First Order's Siege of the Resistance Fleet
    • The choreography of the space battles
    • Leia's use of The Force
    • Finn and Rose on Canto Blight

  • Ahch-To
    • Mark Hamill's performance as Luke Skywalker
    • Rey and Kylo's force Relationship
    • The Jedi needing to End

  • Crait
    • The Snoke twist
    • The speeder Battle
    • Kylo and Luke

Star Wars Part 9: The Last Jedi
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