Star Wars Part 4: The Phantom Menace

You better finish building that pod racer Star Wars Fans! Start your engines and join us for the fourth installment in our Star Wars series! We discuss Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.
It's prequel time baby! Our Star Wars train rolls on with Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. Pod Racing action abounds in this week's conversation. Keep on reading for an overview of this week's conversation.

Topics Discussed:

Movie Facts
  • Casting
    • A wild Kiera Knightly appears
  • Production stories
    • Lucas canceling plans for a sequel trilogy, and instead starting work on the prequels
  • Critical reception

Act 1

  • The politics of the Galactic Republic
  • Liam Neeson’s performance as Qui-Gon Jinn
  • Jar Jar Binks and the Gungans
  • R2’s appearance

Act 2

  • Why does Obi-Wan stay on the ship? 
  • Anakin not having a father and the midichlorians
  • The Pod Race
  • The Republic Senate and Jedi Council

Act 3

  • The battle? between the Gungans and the Droids
  • Darth Maul fight
  • Anakin in space
  • The closing funeral and parade


  • Current Star Wars Rankings
  • Awards


Star Wars Part 4: The Phantom Menace
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