Random Bracket! What is the Best Random Movie?

On today's show, we’ll be returning to our bracket format with a twist! All selections and movie matchups are random!
It is time to break down what the best movie is... of the random ones we submitted! Some are favorites, some will warrant a good conversation, and some exist somewhere in between. Unlike the past genre-specific brackets, today there was no criteria for a movie to be submitted into this bracket. Let's get crazy and decide on the best random movie!

Movies Discussed:

  1. The Voices
  2. The Lincoln Lawyer
  3. Gattaca
  4. Hacksaw Ridge
  5. Pirates of the Caribbean
  6. Deadpool
  7. Captain Fantastic
  8. Love and Mercy
  9. The Wolf of Wall Street
  10. A Star Is Born
  11. Pans Labyrinth
  12. The Fugitive


Random Bracket! What is the Best Random Movie?
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